How to transcribe…

…well how I do it anyway.
First of all you need to buy Sibelius G7* and “Transcribe!”

(*I’ve good things about ‘Finale’ too but I’ve never used it, either would be fine)

Decide on the tune you want to ‘scribe and load it into “Transcribe!” then using the ‘B’ button tap along on every beat but use ‘M’ on the first beat of each bar and you should have something that looks like this:-
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This gives you a guide to every bar and beat which gives you the guidance needed to get it down right.
I press ‘S’ at the first beat of the new chorus so you should have clearly defined beats, measures and choruses/sections by now.

Then it’s a case of setting up your virtual manuscript. I like to sketch out the chords before laying the notes down as it’s easier to cut + paste the chords for following choruses this way. I always struggle to do this bit cos it’s a bit boring but once it’s done I can start flying with the interesting bit!
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Now you are ready to try and work out the notes.
Taking a bar or so (depending on the complexity of the piece) I go about working out the rhythm the best I can by highlighting a section and if I need to (I usually do) go down to 50% speed. I work with both windows open (I’m on a Mac, I can’t remember how easy this is to do on a PC but I’m sure you can easily alt+tab between both windows easily?)
I usually work on about 10 bars or so at a time and for now solely work out the RHYTHMS of the line I’m working out. I find this method works for me and makes it much quicker in the long run as multi tasking working out the pitch and the rhythm at the same time can be confusing for me.
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I tend to work a chorus at a time, work out the rhythm first then fill in the note pitches as it gives a sense of achievement and spurs you to finish the thing when you see it a complete chorus neatly written out.
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I would appreciate if this does help then by please put a link on your work to help others find this guide.

Published in: on January 24, 2007 at 10:54 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi Dan,

    That tip on how to use Transcribe! was extremely helpful and clearly written. I use Transcribe! in the most inefficient way possible. I tried to read the manual but it was a pain. And then viola, in one or two paras from you (the limit of my attention span most of the day), I got the basic idea of how to use the beats, measures and sections functions after using Transcribe! for more than a year. Perhaps you could post more on using Transcribe? Like getting rid of the guitar from the mix? That would be very helpful.

    I will be linking to your post. By the way, do you have the chord changes to Grant Green’s No. 1 Green Street? I transcribed his solo but found it difficult (perhaps I’m too lazy or fatigued) to figure out the underlying chords.

  2. Hi there. I’m glad it was of use to you, in terms of cancelling the guitar it’s simply a case of shifting the audio between the left and right speakers ( using the FX button/panel) to see if it helps. This sucess of this all depends on how it was recorded in the first place.
    I’ll maybe do more on Transcribe in the future (although I’m no expert!) Have you downloaded the latest version? It has a good chord recogniser which is not perfect of course but helps a great deal for those difficult to hear chords.
    I’d love to help you with the chords to ‘No. 1 Green Street’ but it’s not a tune I’ve got by GG. I listened to a sound clip (on bad computer speakers!) and it kinda sounded like a blues but I did detect a couple of added chords. If you can send me a clip of a chorus of it or so I’ll get the chords down for you.

  3. Thanks for the offer to help me get the chords down. That is extremely kind of you. 🙂

    I saw a transcription of the chords online but somehow could not get the comping to match the melody. The tune is definitely a blues in the key of Bb7.

    I heard about the chord recogniser function but have not downloaded the newest version. I don’t have a home internet connection at the moment so would only be able to send you the tune a couple of weeks from now. But I believe you can easily download the tune.

    And I’ll definitely check out the function you mentioned to cancel the guitar from the mix.

  4. […] How to Transcribe – A great article on the basics of transcription. […]

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